
Showing posts from October, 2007

i am nobody's unwanted clockblocker, thank you very much.

so i'm sitting at work yesterday, and a co-worker who is very new and trying way to hard to "fit in" starts showing us these you tube clips from some comedy duo. most of it is very funny. then he pulls up one skit where jesus's older brother helps his two "bros" out at a keg party by running interference ( or being the wingman as he called it) with this fat chick who is "cockblocking" his two douchebag friends from talking to her friends. i immediately took offense to this, because i find too often that the fat chick gets labeled "the cockblocker" in a group of girls. i will admit i have tried to help friends on different occasions avoid the unwanted advances of some annoying guys out in a bar or at a house party, but only if the friend gave me the "help me!" signal....okay there was this one time in college, but i had good reasons....what i'm trying to say here, is i'm no cockblocker. if anything i'm a cockhelper, a...