
Showing posts from August, 2007

part freak, part geek

me, age 16 i just finished freaks and geeks , and i am so sad :( talk about a great show that was cancelled waaaaay before it's time. my experiences in high school weren't as defined by my place in a social landscape as the characters on the show, but i know there is part of me that will always be a freak, and part that will always be a geek. do any of us really evolve past it? i guess in certain ways i'm not nearly as akward as i was at 16, but in others, i'm convinced that i'm worse. desert island all time top 5 things i need right now: 1) a better paying job 2) my own apartment 3) motivation 4) confidence 5) patience honorable mention: a big bear-have your arms swallow me-in the nook of your armpit-hold me for 5 minutes-kind of hug, followed by a big mimosa :) to the people who are feeling a severe lack in any of these from me right now, i'm well, you know....